The organization of a meeting, as such, is vital and important work; when the organization is concerned with sexual minorities it becomes in addition hazardous and delicate. It is therefore doubly newsworthy that the International Committee for Sexual Equality not only held its second Congress at Frankfurtam-Main last September, but that the third Congress, planned for September, 1953, will undoubtedly be held with the same distinguished response noticeable in the recent past.

The basis for discussion of the second Congress was MORALITY LAWS AND SEXUAL EQUALITY and among the speakers were: Dr. C. van Emde Boas, the emininet Dutch psychiatrist; Dr. Jarl Wagner Smitt, secretary of the Danish Society for Mental Health and two noted European attorneys, Joseph Klibansky of Germany and Mrs. Lau Mazirel of The Netherlands. The principal paper read at the first session of the congress appears as our leading article this month and was delivered by Mr. Cory.

Not the least interesting sidelights on the Congress are the facts that the sessions were held at the University of Frankfurt and that it was covered thoroughly, and without comment, by the Press. In addition an evening of entertainment was provided for visitors.

The I.C.S.E., in addition to sponsoring the various international Congresses, publishes six regular newsletters at a subscription price of approximately Hfl 3, post paid, or something less than one dollar allowing for postage to the United States. Subscriptions should be sent to: L.C.S.E., Postbox 542, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The newsletters appear in three languages, English, German and French.

Dear Sirs:


I am a physician on the staff of the U.C.L.A. School of Medicine, and while my prime interest is in the field of cancer research and treatment, many of the technical procedures developed for the study of hormone disturbances in cancer are now being applied to the problems of the sex psychopath as represented by the two or three hundred cases under observation at Norwalk State Hospital. Your quotation from Dr. Bowman's report to the State Legislature appearing in "One", Jan., 1953, pages 8-9 is unintentionally misleading in that it implies that basic research on homosexuality

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